Are you an individual
You are eager for change, to develop social and professional skills, to live a unique experience. You are driven by a desire to change your environment, to surpass yourself, to find a job, to improve your modern languages or your autonomy.
You are :
Young 18/30 years old,
Job seeker,
WIPSEE can support you in your projects in Europe and around the world!

To study

To study abroad
Leave as an individual
You must register in a foreign training establishment.
Leave as part of a program
You remain affiliated with your French establishment and you go with one of its partner establishments abroad.
You may be able to benefit from financial aid.
Erasmus+ program
Bilateral programs and international channels
The duration of the mobility can be from one week for a short training to one year.
The options
For who ?
Middle schoolers, high school students, students, apprentices…
Erasmus+ scholarship
Regional stock market
Departmental and/or municipal scholarship
Scholarship based on social criteria for higher education (depending on region)
British Council: support for students who wish to study in the United Kingdom.
Fulbright Commission: aid for students preparing for a master's or doctorate in the United States.
Dialogo: scholarship intended for students holding a double baccalaureate and “Bachiller” degree in France (Spanish international sections and Bachibac sections).
Franco-Québécois Youth Office (OFQJ): assistance for young people aged 18 to 35 who wish to follow professional training leading to a diploma in Quebec.
College of Europe scholarships: scholarship for French students holding a master's degree and admitted to the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium) or Natolin (Poland).
Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ): programs and scholarships to study, do an internship or work in Germany.
German Academic Exchange Office (DAAD): scholarships to study at a German university.
Interdisciplinary Center for Studies and Research on Germany (CIERA): aid for students in humanities and social sciences for mobility to German-speaking countries.
Financial aid
You may be granted a grant, but this is only part of mobility. You will therefore have to plan your budget to complete this.
Taking these steps can be complicated and time-consuming, contact us so we can help you!

Do an internship

Leave as an individual
Your internship will not be approved by an establishment, find out about the conditions of the internship.
Leave as part of a program
You remain affiliated with your training establishment and your internship is integrated into your course. You may possibly benefit from financial aid.
Erasmus+ program
Erasmus+ programs Professional training
PRAXES (Ofaj): for young people aged 18 to 30 who wish to complete an internship of 1 to 6 months in Germany, independently of an establishment
Advanced training course (OFQJ): for 18 to 35 year olds, in continuing professional training, looking for work or followed by a local mission, who wish to complete an internship of 3 to 12 months in Quebec.
Do an internship abroad
For who ?
Students, apprentices, young people aged 18-35, job seekers...
The options
Financial aid
You may be granted a grant, but this is only part of mobility. You will therefore have to plan your budget to complete this.
Erasmus+ scholarship
International mobility assistance
Departmental and/or municipal scholarship
Scholarship based on social criteria for higher education (depending on region)
Diálogo: for students aged 18 to 30 wishing to do an internship in Spain, for a maximum of one year.
Ofaj (Franco-German Youth Office): scholarship for practical internship during professional and technological training, scholarship for practical internship for students, internship scholarship for students involved in student life.
OFQJ (Office franco-québecois pour la jeunesse): internship grant for pupils and students in technical or professional training of all levels, who wish to carry out an internship within a Quebec company or institution.
Faire ces démarches (recherches de stages, définition des activités à réaliser, choix des compétences à développer…) peut être compliqué et chronophage, contactez-nous pour que nous puissions vous aider !

Be a volunteer

Volunteer abroad
For who ?
From 14 years old
Participate in a young volunteer camp
It is an unpaid commitment during which a group of young people, from different cultural and geographical origins, carry out a mission of general interest in a field of action:
Safeguarding heritage
Home renovation
Environmental Protection
Sustainable development
Social Action
Solidarity and social diversity
The duration of the projects is generally 2 to 3 weeks and takes place in July and August. A financial contribution is requested to cover accommodation and food costs. The cost varies depending on the nature, location and duration of the project.
The options
Financial aid
Support or subsidies may be granted to you, but this remains only part of mobility. You will therefore have to plan your budget to complete these.
Il existe plusieurs modalités pour devenir bénévole surtout à l’International et faire ces démarches peut être compliqué et chronophage, contactez-nous pour que nous puissions vous aider !

Be volunteer

Volunteer abroad
For who ?
Minors and adults
The options
Leave as part of a scheme
You are going to work for a non-profit organization abroad.
Volunteering is a compensated commitment, formalized by a contract.
Civic service abroad: It allows 16-25 year olds to commit to a mission of general interest with a non-profit organization.
The European Solidarity Corps: It allows 18-30 year olds to carry out a voluntary activity in a European country, within a non-profit organization.
Franco-German volunteering: It allows 18-25 year olds to carry out a year of volunteering within a school or a German association working in the field of culture, ecology, social or sport.
International solidarity volunteering: It allows people over 18 to put their skills at the service of solidarity action in Africa, Latin America, Asia or Eastern Europe for health and teaching missions. , training and rural or urban development, within an NGO.
European Union aid volunteering: It allows any EU citizen, from the age of 18, to support humanitarian organizations and local communities working in affected countries, outside Europe. The mission can last from one to eighteen months.
International volunteering of the French-speaking world (VIF): It allows French-speaking people aged 21 to 34, with a university degree or equivalent, to get involved in a French-speaking development project for 1 year: promoting diversity cultural and linguistic
United Nations volunteering (UNV): It allows people aged over 25, with at least two years of professional experience and a university or higher technical diploma, to support peace and development in the world with various UN agencies. United Nations
Financial aid
Financial support exists, more or less important depending on the program chosen, and can be granted to you, but this remains only part of the mobility. You will therefore have to plan your budget to complete these.
Plusieurs dispositifs existent par partir en volontariat, contactez-nous pour que nous puissions vous aider à trouver un organisme fiable et opérationnel au plus près de chez vous ou pour intégrer nos propres dispositifs !

To work

Work abroad
For who ?
The options
Partir à titre individuel
Partir dans le cadre d’un dispositif
De nombreux dispositifs vous permettent de vivre une expérience professionnelle à l’étranger de courte durée.
Le visa vacances travail
Vous partez dans un pays étranger pour raison culturelle et touristique en étant autorisé à y travailler pour financer votre voyage.
Le volontariat international en entreprise ou en administration (VIE / VIA)
Vous êtes âgés de 18 à 28 ans et souhaitez effectuer une mission de 6 à 24 mois au sein d’une entreprise ou d’un établissement public français à l’étranger.
Le wwoofing
Il vous permet de proposer vos services auprès d’une ferme biologique, en échange de l’hébergement et des repas.
Au pair
Vous assurez la garde des enfants et une partie des tâches ménagères, en contrepartie, vous êtes logé, nourri et vous gagnez une petite somme d’argent.
Assistant français
Vous donnez des cours et un éveil à la culture française dans un établissement scolaire à l’étranger pour une durée de 7 à 12 mois.
Lecteur de français à l’étranger
Vous enseignez le français à un public étudiant. De préférence, vous devez êtres titulaires d’un master Français, Langues et Civilisations pour adresser votre candidature dans un établissements étrangers. Le diplôme de Français Langue Étrangère (FLE) est un plus, et est souvent exigé.
Erasmus pour jeunes entrepreneurs
Vous êtes jeune ou futur entrepreneur, vous avez la possibilité de vous former pendant 1 à 6 mois auprès d’entrepreneurs installés dans un autre pays européen.
Financial aid
Financial support exists, more or less important depending on the program chosen, and can be granted to you, but this remains only part of the mobility. You will therefore have to plan your budget to complete these. But working implies salary, which is already a particularity!
Going to work abroad is an exceptional experience that requires serious preparation to ensure optimal success, Wipsee is here to help you in your preparations and also for the return phase!


Partir à titre individuel
Partir dans le cadre d’un dispositif
Hors cadre scolaire et professionnel, il existe différents dispositifs pour vous permettre de découvrir l’Europe et le monde.
• Un échange de jeunes (Erasmus+ Jeunesse)
Jeunes de 13 à 30 ans de différents pays européens, soutenus par une organisation d’envoi, pour échanger et d’apprendre à se connaître.
• Destinaction
S’adresse aux jeunes de Nouvelle-Aquitaine qui souhaitent mettre en œuvre un premier projet de voyage en autonomie en France ou en Europe.
• La bourse de l’Aventure de la Guilde européenne du Raid
Soutient des projets d’aventure et d’expédition originaux par leur objectif ou les moyens utilisés (à pied, à cheval, en kayak, à vélo, en traîneau à chien, etc.).
Travel abroad
The options
For who ?
Minors and adults
Financial aid
Financial support exists depending on the travel arrangements chosen, but this remains only part of mobility. You will therefore need to plan your budget.
Traveling is an incredible human experience! Taking the plunge is a real opportunity but it requires serious preparation to ensure optimal success. Wipsee is here to help you with your preparations and also to enhance your trip upon your return!