Are you an individual
The MDE40 Wipsee aims to facilitate access to European and International Mobility for EVERYONE , to gain autonomy, skills, experience, critical thinking, and creativity!
Observation courses, training modules, themed exchanges, volunteering experiences, participation in seminars, forums, conferences, “discovery” trips alone or in groups, family exchanges, etc.: everything is possible!
Pour cela la MDE40 Wipsee propose :
De l’information, des conseils et de l’accompagnement (coaching) individuel ou collectif pour se lancer dans de nouvelles aventures
Du soutien pour rechercher des fonds, des dispositifs, des entreprises
Des projets Erasmus+, OFAJ (franco-allemand), FONJEP, Corps Européen de Solidarité et autres “ clés en mains ” et sécurisés
De l’appui technique (écriture, gestion, suivi, formation) pour les organisations souhaitant entrer ou développer une dynamique d’ouverture aux Autres et aux Mondes
Des modules de formation en langue
Un catalogue d’activités éducatives et de sensibilisation autour de l’Europe et de l’International, de la citoyenneté, des droits humains
Une programmation annuelle d'événements pour valoriser les projets européens, les différents dispositifs existants, des luttes comme celles contre les discriminations, les inégalités, contre le réchauffement climatique, les incivilités…
Des rencontres avec des figures symboliques, des experts européens
Du soutien technique en matière d'écriture et gestion de projet
For this it has numerous labels:
Social and solidarity economy
Franco-German information point
Youth Information Point
Popular education
National Education
We are also ERASMUS+ developers and OFAJ information point (French-German).
It relies on both local and international partners to carry out its various activities which are aimed at young people/individuals, educational or social actors, communities, international partners
Youth projects
Types of actions carried out in more detail :
Each year, we offer :
Around ten youth exchange projects built in advance with young people on different themes, destinations and durations. What they have in common: diversity, inclusion, skills development, development of self-esteem and European awareness + active participation of young people
1 or 2 youth participation projects where they join with other Europeans in an active citizenship approach in exchanges with decision-makers. Objectives: to make the voices of young people heard on important subjects of our society and its evolution.
1 Youth worker exchange project to improve their support and leadership skills while familiarizing them with an international approach to their profession.
1 to 2 Discovery EU Action inclusion projects to allow around fifty young people aged 18 to experience mobility by train, accompanied or completely independently.
These projects come from systems such as Erasmus+Youth and Sport, the OFAJ and regularly supported by the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region.
Our goals
Annual objectives:
- Support the mobility of 250 young rural people in our region per year
- Support the mobility of 10 facilitators per year
- Support the active participation of 10 to 30 young people with decision-makers
Objectives for 2027:
90% of our activities respond to one or more of these priorities: encouraging active citizenship, developing a sense of European belonging, supporting the non-formal skills development of beneficiaries, participating in societal changes here and on a macro scale .
Achieve 70% green transport across all mobility.
90% of beneficiaries feel more European
90% beneficiaries have developed digital, ecological and solidarity skills
Adult projects
The MDE40 Wipsee is mobilizing to give back the power to act to citizens, to support the strengthening of the skills of social actors, integration, animation and education. To do this, it coordinates or participates in Erasmus+ Adult Training, mobility or partnership projects.
Currently, she leads an Erasmus+ consortium made up of very diverse actors who wish to observe methods and practices among European peers that will allow them to improve or develop their ways of working and thus be more effective with their audience. It is possible to join this consortium upon request and validation from COPIL.
Within the MDE40 Wipsee, we will carry out observation periods, or job shadowing or we will follow training to improve our support, our workshops, our training.
To do this, contact
At the same time, MDE40 Wipsee is developing transnational action with the Netherlands, Spain and Norway around problem solving and mentoring. This is a cooperation project that allows us to share practices and try their transfer into our practices. The objective is to improve our practices, to develop networks of actors, to highlight European successes.
Our goals
Annual objectives:
- Support the mobility of 25 social workers, integration and training per year
- Support the creation of a network of actors around mentoring and problem solving by citizens
- Develop 1 social network around the power of citizens to act
Objectives for 2027:
90% of our activities respond to one or more of these priorities: encouraging active citizenship, developing a sense of European belonging, supporting the non-formal skills development of beneficiaries, participating in societal changes here and on a macro scale .
Achieve 70% green transport across all mobility.
90% of beneficiaries feel more European* 90% beneficiaries have developed digital, ecological and solidarity skills
Local and international solidarity
Since its creation, the MDE40 Wipsee has never dissociated the local from the international because globalization is our environment and thinking alone is no longer relevant.
These actions :
Develop sustainable and multicultural collective dynamics
Fight against discrimination and encourage tolerance
Promote the creation of incredible results such as: SDG Booklet, Prejudice Booklet, Migration Book, SDG Evaluation Method in Youth Projects
Are regularly supported by the State Youth and Sport Services (department and region), the FONJEP, the CAF, the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region and Erasmus+ Jeunesse, the DILCRAH
Mobiliser des acteurs locaux et internationaux (via des rencontres en ligne ou en présentiel)
The ECSI Landes Network is the initiative of the Maison de l'Europe des Landes WIPSEE and the eco-place Jeanot C Koi Ça. This approach is supported by the Nouvelle Aquitaine Regional Council.
It was designed to meet 5 objectives:
☀️ 1 - Highlight ECSI
🫱🏼🫲🏾2 - Unite around ECSI
💡3 - Co-construct and co-act
💪🏼4 - Strengthening the status and recognition of actors involved within the ECSI
🌍 5 - Opening up internationally
Local and European cooperation
Mobility is often a first step towards the European scale . The MDE40 Wipsee has taken this step by creating a network of reliable, trusted and expert partners.
Today, we are convinced that we can participate in societal changes affecting youth , integration, human rights, the social economy, the environment and digital technology thanks to international cooperation.
This is why we lead or participate in projects around discrimination, rurality, mental health, migration, inclusion, non-violent ecology, non-formal skills, tourism, citizenship (see the projects presented in the Projects section):
This international cooperation also aims to develop the secure sending of our young people abroad for missions of general interest and volunteering.
Thanks to these international cooperations, we have the financial and structuring means to:
Develop and improve our practices (language, interculturality, digital, ecology, etc.)
Discover new approaches, methods, tools (exchanges, experiments)
Change our postures (open-mindedness, creativity, entrepreneurship, networking)
Engage in new territorial dynamics between organizations (inter-knowledge, shared actions between different sectors)
Make our actions more visible locally while having an impact on a macro scale
Répondre à des problématiques et des besoins de territoires par des réflexions transnationales, des échanges de pratique, et des propositions innovantes
Information about Europe
At the same time, the Regional Council of Nouvelle Aquitaine supports us and promotes European construction and democracy.
Chaque mois, nous diffusons sur nos réseaux sociaux des informations sur la vie et l’actualité européenne. Réalisée par nos volontaires et membres du campus du volontariat, cette Com’Europe fournit en quelques secondes des explications simples sur la richesse culturelle et les compétences de l’Union Européenne.