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  • Résultats de recherche | Wipsee

    28 items found for "" Maison de l'Europe des Landes | Wipsee | Devenir Membre Are you an individual Join us to implement the missions of WIPSEE , whatever your age, your nationality and your passions. Openness to Europe and the International is an intercultural approach that comes to life through diversity and differences . The more we are, the more we create ... More ideas, more perspectives ... More commitment and mobilization ... 14 REASONS TO JOIN THE MDE40 WIPSEE Participate in human, civic actions with meaning, create social bonds Participer à des actions éducatives auprès des jeunes et avec les Jeunes Participer à des animations, manifestations sur la construction européenne, sur la citoyenneté mondiale, le développement durable... Be a force of proposal to implement activities in project mode and invent the future Meet people from local to international and encourage interculturality Fight against discrimination and exclusion Understanding the Social and Solidarity Economy and Popular Education Participate in European mobility, workshops, conferences Share your skills, transmit your passions and know-how and develop new capabilities Join a happy, dynamic collective, find your place (Guide + missions) and support the team in some of its missions Newsletter Membership Personal informations Professional information Rules of procedure | Association status I hereby declare that I wish to become a member of the WIPSEE association. As such, I declare to recognize the purpose of the association, and to have accepted the rules of procedure. I have taken careful note of the rights and duties of the members of the association, and agree to pay my membership dues for the current year. The amount of the contribution is 10 €, payable by check, cash or transfer. Validate Info jeunes | Wipsee Are you an individual Expand your vision We live in complex, digital societies and an interconnected world that offers many challenges and opportunities. Our Youth Info center informs all young people in Pontonx-sur-l'Adour and surrounding areas on all subjects related to their efforts to access rights and autonomy. Voluntary and free access Instagram Youth Info The youth information space also offers off-site events in schools, youth services, leisure centers on various subjects such as: fake news, self-confidence, careers, going abroad. foreigner, commitment… Orientation, formation, emploi, accès aux droits, logement, santé, déplacements, mobilité internationale, culture, loisirs…, Info Jeunes aborde toutes les thématiques de votre quotidien et vous aide à explorer les possibles pour vos projets personnels et professionnels. At the IJ you will have access to : open access documentation, job descriptions, a computer at your disposal, a printer, help with all your procedures, information and support according to your needs... CONTACT Address 5 Rue de Lesbordes, 40465 Pontonx-sur-l’Adour Schedules : From Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday or evening by appointment Vanessa Varela 06 22 32 10 34 Follow us Europe et Internationale | Wipsee Are you an individual The MDE40 Wipsee aims to facilitate access to European and International Mobility for EVERYONE , to gain autonomy, skills, experience, critical thinking, and creativity! ​ ​ Observation courses, training modules, themed exchanges, volunteering experiences, participation in seminars, forums, conferences, “discovery” trips alone or in groups, family exchanges, etc.: everything is possible! Pour cela la MDE40 Wipsee propose : ​ De l’information, des conseils et de l’accompagnement (coaching) individuel ou collectif pour se lancer dans de nouvelles aventures Du soutien pour rechercher des fonds, des dispositifs, des entreprises Des projets Erasmus+, OFAJ (franco-allemand), FONJEP, Corps Européen de Solidarité et autres “ clés en mains ” et sécurisés De l’appui technique (écriture, gestion, suivi, formation) pour les organisations souhaitant entrer ou développer une dynamique d’ouverture aux Autres et aux Mondes Des modules de formation en langue Un catalogue d’activités éducatives et de sensibilisation autour de l’Europe et de l’International, de la citoyenneté, des droits humains Une programmation annuelle d'événements pour valoriser les projets européens, les différents dispositifs existants, des luttes comme celles contre les discriminations, les inégalités, contre le réchauffement climatique, les incivilités… Des rencontres avec des figures symboliques, des experts européens Du soutien technique en matière d'écriture et gestion de projet For this it has numerous labels: Social and solidarity economy Franco-German information point Youth Information Point Popular education National Education We are also ERASMUS+ developers and OFAJ information point (French-German). It relies on both local and international partners to carry out its various activities which are aimed at young people/individuals, educational or social actors, communities, international partners Youth projects Types of actions carried out in more detail : Each year, we offer : Around ten youth exchange projects built in advance with young people on different themes, destinations and durations. What they have in common: diversity, inclusion, skills development, development of self-esteem and European awareness + active participation of young people 1 or 2 youth participation projects where they join with other Europeans in an active citizenship approach in exchanges with decision-makers. Objectives: to make the voices of young people heard on important subjects of our society and its evolution. ​ 1 Youth worker exchange project to improve their support and leadership skills while familiarizing them with an international approach to their profession. 1 to 2 Discovery EU Action inclusion projects to allow around fifty young people aged 18 to experience mobility by train, accompanied or completely independently. These projects come from systems such as Erasmus+Youth and Sport, the OFAJ and regularly supported by the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region. Our goals Annual objectives: - Support the mobility of 250 young rural people in our region per year - Support the mobility of 10 facilitators per year - Support the active participation of 10 to 30 young people with decision-makers Objectives for 2027: 90% of our activities respond to one or more of these priorities: encouraging active citizenship, developing a sense of European belonging, supporting the non-formal skills development of beneficiaries, participating in societal changes here and on a macro scale . Achieve 70% green transport across all mobility. 90% of beneficiaries feel more European 90% beneficiaries have developed digital, ecological and solidarity skills Adult projects The MDE40 Wipsee is mobilizing to give back the power to act to citizens, to support the strengthening of the skills of social actors, integration, animation and education. To do this, it coordinates or participates in Erasmus+ Adult Training, mobility or partnership projects. Currently, she leads an Erasmus+ consortium made up of very diverse actors who wish to observe methods and practices among European peers that will allow them to improve or develop their ways of working and thus be more effective with their audience. It is possible to join this consortium upon request and validation from COPIL. Within the MDE40 Wipsee, we will carry out observation periods, or job shadowing or we will follow training to improve our support, our workshops, our training. ​ To do this, contact At the same time, MDE40 Wipsee is developing transnational action with the Netherlands, Spain and Norway around problem solving and mentoring. This is a cooperation project that allows us to share practices and try their transfer into our practices. The objective is to improve our practices, to develop networks of actors, to highlight European successes. Our goals Annual objectives: - Support the mobility of 25 social workers, integration and training per year - Support the creation of a network of actors around mentoring and problem solving by citizens - Develop 1 social network around the power of citizens to act Objectives for 2027: 90% of our activities respond to one or more of these priorities: encouraging active citizenship, developing a sense of European belonging, supporting the non-formal skills development of beneficiaries, participating in societal changes here and on a macro scale . Achieve 70% green transport across all mobility. 90% of beneficiaries feel more European* 90% beneficiaries have developed digital, ecological and solidarity skills Local and international solidarity Since its creation, the MDE40 Wipsee has never dissociated the local from the international because globalization is our environment and thinking alone is no longer relevant. These actions : ​ ​ ​ Develop sustainable and multicultural collective dynamics ​ Fight against discrimination and encourage tolerance ​ Promote the creation of incredible results such as: SDG Booklet, Prejudice Booklet, Migration Book, SDG Evaluation Method in Youth Projects Are regularly supported by the State Youth and Sport Services (department and region), the FONJEP, the CAF, the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region and Erasmus+ Jeunesse, the DILCRAH ​ Mobiliser des acteurs locaux et internationaux (via des rencontres en ligne ou en présentiel) ​ The ECSI Landes Network is the initiative of the Maison de l'Europe des Landes WIPSEE and the eco-place Jeanot C Koi Ça. This approach is supported by the Nouvelle Aquitaine Regional Council. It was designed to meet 5 objectives: ☀️ 1 - Highlight ECSI 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾2 - Unite around ECSI 💡3 - Co-construct and co-act 💪🏼4 - Strengthening the status and recognition of actors involved within the ECSI 🌍 5 - Opening up internationally Insta ECSI Local and European cooperation Mobility is often a first step towards the European scale . The MDE40 Wipsee has taken this step by creating a network of reliable, trusted and expert partners. Today, we are convinced that we can participate in societal changes affecting youth , integration, human rights, the social economy, the environment and digital technology thanks to international cooperation. This is why we lead or participate in projects around discrimination, rurality, mental health, migration, inclusion, non-violent ecology, non-formal skills, tourism, citizenship (see the projects presented in the Projects section): 01. KA2 Erasmus+ Youth cooperation project on tools, educational methods for Youth workers in order to improve our educational support on Human Rights, sustainable development, commitment, social economy, entrepreneurship, acquisition of non-formal and informal skills, governance and engagement. More information on the 02. Project with the GAL Adour Chalosse Tursan Marsan Agglomération to introduce the Youth component (socio-economic integration) into territorial development activities Plus d'infos sur GAL 03. KA2 Erasmus + Adult Training cooperation project on tools enabling the sustainability of Third Place spaces, facilitating support for adults in reconversion and reintegration into society, solving individual problems thanks to the civil collective, etc. Plus d'infos sur le projet MCL 04. CERV “Citizens, equality, rights and values” to act on violence against women, children and men, on citizen and democratic participation. More information on the CERV This international cooperation also aims to develop the secure sending of our young people abroad for missions of general interest and volunteering. Thanks to these international cooperations, we have the financial and structuring means to: Develop and improve our practices (language, interculturality, digital, ecology, etc.) Discover new approaches, methods, tools (exchanges, experiments) Change our postures (open-mindedness, creativity, entrepreneurship, networking) Engage in new territorial dynamics between organizations (inter-knowledge, shared actions between different sectors) Make our actions more visible locally while having an impact on a macro scale Répondre à des problématiques et des besoins de territoires par des réflexions transnationales, des échanges de pratique, et des propositions innovantes Information about Europe We are the 38th House of Europe in the network. We have joined the French Federation of Houses of Europe At the same time, the Regional Council of Nouvelle Aquitaine supports us and promotes European construction and democracy. 1 The main mission of this network is to promote European construction, European citizenship and make European institutions more accessible and understandable. More information on the FFME 2 It is important that the European Union be as close as possible to citizens. We are therefore an information relay on department 40. We can offer documentation, workshops and activities, organize events, invite elected officials. Programming 3 Chaque mois, nous diffusons sur nos réseaux sociaux des informations sur la vie et l’actualité européenne. Réalisée par nos volontaires et membres du campus du volontariat, cette Com’Europe fournit en quelques secondes des explications simples sur la richesse culturelle et les compétences de l’Union Européenne. Instagram Wipsee 4 We are an OFAJ information point, to strengthen Franco-German friendship through exchanges. OFAJ website Maison de l'Europe des Landes Wipsee | #Jeunesse The Europe House of Landes Wipsee OUR VISION : GO, LIVE, CREATE AND BECOME! MDE40 Wipsee is an association that creates opportunities to contribute to the emancipation of young people and participate in societal changes. We have developed 5 activity centers to meet the needs of citizens who dream of a more united, egalitarian and sustainable world! #Mobility #Cooperation #Youth #Citizenship #Europe #Inclusion #Inclusion #Education #Training International business opening Development of institutional projects Development of institutional projects International business opening Development of institutional projects Com'Europe Les sites internets sur l'Europe Our tools Jean Monnet Program Animation catalog Our information meetings Follow us on Instagram Our labels To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Our partners To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Nos missions | Wipsee Our missions Our daily life aims to: Welcome, advise, train, support, listen to all types of audiences Créer des outils pédagogiques, inventer des solutions Monitoring societal changes Encourage debate and understanding of the world around us Support the rise in formal and informal skills of social actors, the ESS and Youth Work in collaboration with local stakeholders and European partners. The European and international dimension is our fundamental action because it allows us: To expand our knowledge To open rurality to Others and to Worlds To improve educational and support activities To increase the feeling of European and international belonging To discover other approaches that encourage questioning and innovation ​ To fight for respect for human rights ​ To co-build collective solutions with an impact from local to international Wips médias | Wipsee Wips médias OUR PODCASTS Discussions on gender-based and domestic violence in New Aquitaine and Europe [Solidarity trip around the world] The Ferradou family tells us about their First 7 months of travel [Youth exchange in Boticas] Trust yourself to trust others Nos réseaux sociaux | Wipsee OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS LES WIP'S RÉSEAUX NOS AUTRES RÉSEAUX @ecsi_landes @yesss_sdgs @ij_wipsee_promeneur_du_net @eurovillages @yipproject @mentorat_circulaire_landes @wipster40 @eutourwipsee Nos projets | Wipsee Are you an individual In progress CITIZEN SOLUTIONS - 2023-2-FR01-KA210-ADU-000180174 3 other partners have joined us around an ERASMUS+ adult training partnership project to enable people in difficulty to develop their power to act, to emancipate themselves and to strengthen links of solidarity with their social environment and long-term. For what ? The economic and social crisis has caused institutions to run out of steam and civil society to lose confidence in public authorities, and a significant increase in the economic, social and psychological vulnerabilities of populations. Direct and main target: social sector professionals, local organizations and institutions, in order to improve their skills in supporting the empowerment of people with fewer opportunities. Secondary target: adults and young adults with fewer opportunities, people in fragile and vulnerable situations who are looking for long-term solutions to their difficulties, or who want to be useful and learn inclusive problem-solving methods. ​ Period: from 2024 to 2025. ​ Partners: Eigen plan (Netherlands), S agene Samfunnshus (Norway), Plan B (Spain). ​ Newsletter Newsletter 2 In progress ERASMUS+ YOUTH KA2 Social Sustainability Strategies for Youth (YESSS) 2022-1-FR02-KA220-YOU-000088895 The YESSS project is supported by the MDE40 WIPSEE with 6 European structures to promote youth entrepreneurship through the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Together, we wish to support the training of youth leaders and the mobilization of young people in the creation of projects with a social and sustainable vision through non-formal professional training on social entrepreneurship and the SDGs. Period: from October 2022 to December 2024. The partners: France (MDE40 WIPSEE), Spain (INNETICA and HORIZONTE XXII), Cyprus (The Hub Nicosia), Denmark (FN-FORBUNDET), Italy (EGInA) and Turkey (KEPDER). Insta Yesss Website En cours ERASMUS+ youth accreditation KA1 2020-1-FR02-KA150-YOU-019019 The MDE40 WIPSEE has obtained accreditation from Erasmus+ Youth to conduct 3 youth exchanges and 1 youth worker exchange over the period 2022 to 2027. Ella follows the Erasmus + priorities: More ecology, more inclusion, more digital, more equal opportunities ​ Period: 2022 to 2027 The partners: Are numerous depending on the years and the projects carried out. they are European or belong to third countries (eg: Egypt, Georgia, Armenia). On the other hand, we thank the CRNA for its financial support. En cours MY USEFUL VOTE The “Is my vote useful?” project for young Europeans. This is an ERASMUS+ Youth Participation Activity project, co-financed by the European Union, which deals with democratic processes and the way in which young people can get involved to contribute to the development of their territory, their country and from Europe. ​ ​ Period : January to March 2024 ​ ​ Partners: FOR YO, KARVINA SUSTAINABLY, COMARCA DE LA JACETANIA , GOTEBORG AND STOCKHOLM ​ In progress Instagram Mentoring Circular Landes + The MCL + project involves a consortium of partners in the organization of mobility activities linked to the projects of each association. Thanks to the Erasmus+ adult training program, partners benefit from centralized and simplified administrative and financial management supported by the Maison de l'Europe des Landes WIPSEE. ​ Periods: This project running until June 2027 has the specific objectives of: Equip adult education associations with new innovative support and mentoring practices through meetings and training with European peers. Introduce adult companions to European projects and promote the development of transnational projects in the region. Create a structured network with different local stakeholders in order to work in synergy, pool our skills and better support our audiences ​ The partners of the consortium: The Roseau Social Center in Biganos, the Maillages association, Action solidaire 17, the Montoise association of Cultural Animation CaféMusic' In progress OFAJ Make Peace no war: Human Rights and migration in Europe and Beyond PECO A1 Ph 2 The “Make Peace not War II” project is the second phase of the PECO “Make Peace Not War I” project, carried out in Armenia in Yerevan in April 2023. This project, financed by the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ), embodies the desire international teams and especially young people, to carry out actions in favor of peace and international solidarity, to better understand the systems that guarantee it, but also to create and maintain connections between young people. Through the creation of a video campaign in favor of peace, there is a desire to raise awareness, to inform, to educate globally for Peace. The final objective: to create video campaigns in favor of Peace. Period: April 13 to 20, 2024, Soustons (40) Partners: MDE40 WIPSEE (France), Europas Erfolg eV (Germany) and Youth Opportunity Club (Armenia) In progress FONJEP ISI Sustainable Peace seen by young people ISIT1-2024-53 La Paix est souvent considérée, notamment par les jeunes, comme un concept éloigné, incertain et rarement comme un état durable acquis et stable. Or, il est important d'envisager la Paix dans toute sa transversalité, comme un droit, un état d'absence de luttes et de troubles. Ce projet a pour objectif de permettre à des jeunes arméniens et français, de comprendre ce qu’il se passe dans les deux pays et surtout, de pouvoir s’exprimer sur la paix, au niveau individuel, personnel et collectif, global. Via la création de micro trottoirs, ce projet a la volonté de pouvoir partager les états d’esprits des jeunes, des populations locales et d’échanger sur les perspectives futures pour créer un monde plus juste, durable et paisible. ​ Période : Janvier à Juin 2024 ​ Partenaires : MDE40 WIPSEE (France) et Youth Opportunity Club (Arménie) In progress EU tour by Youth Thanks to the support of the Erasmus Agency, we are setting up mobilities for young people aged 18 based on the Discover EU mobilities model. This allows you to discover Europe in a safe way with other young people from Landes. These mobilities are invitations to discover Europe while investing in the creation and implementation of mobilities. This project also promotes soft mobility by allowing each participant to obtain an Interrail pass. Destination: Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Croatia and Slovenia. Period: June 2023 to October 2024 Instagram In progress Erasmus+ Youth KA2 EMERGING ADVANCED SKILLS YOUTH (EASY) 2023-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000175177 EASY The project aims to boost employability and talent development in disadvantaged communities to provide young people with innovative skills for decent employment opportunities by: Overcoming skills mismatch by responding to emerging labor market needs Promoting the acquisition of sustainable skills and abilities Giving young people with fewer opportunities the means to participate in social and economic life. ​ Period: 01/04/2024 - 30/09/2026 Partners: ACCELERAS (Austria), IASIS (Greece), EPEKA (Slovenia), Bucovina (Romania) and Tavo Europa (Lithuania). In progress ERASMUS+ YOUTH KA154 Eurovillages The Eurovillages project allows young Landes residents to discuss with community and political decision-makers on three themes of social Europe: the conditions of integration of migrants in France, the integration of young people into the job market and the socio-spatial segregation. This project takes place in three stages with mobility in July 2023 in Poland, one in February 2024 in Spain and one in July 2024 in France Partners: France, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Turkey Period: June 2023 to October 2024 Instagram In progress Newsletter ERASMUS+ YOUTH KA2 Youth Intercultural Photography (YIP) 2022-2-ES02-KA220-YOU-000092147 The YIP project is led by INNETICA (Spain) with 5 European organizations whose objective is to encourage intercultural dialogue between young people from different cultural backgrounds (including non-European migrants) and speaking different languages, so that through photography, they know and are proud to have a cultural wealth which contributes to the development of a European identity respectful of all cultures living together in Europe. Period: From January 2023 to October 2024 The partners: Spain (INNETICA), France (MDE40 WIPSEE), Romania (CREATOR), Italy (Studio Risorse), France (Association of young people from the pavement neuf) and Turkey (KEPDER). Website Collaborative platform Every year THE FRANCO-GERMAN DAYS (JFA) The Franco-German Days (JFA) are each year an opportunity to celebrate Franco-German friendship during the month of January by organizing activities. This year, Wipsee is working in schools to meet middle school students learning German, to allow them to be in contact with German culture in a different way. Likewise, in partnership with the twinning committee, a Franco-German evening is organized in Biscarrosse to allow surrounding residents to discover German traditions, little known in a region rather influenced by Spanish culture. Period: From January 18 to January 29 Partners: Biscarrosse - Landkreis Forchheim Twinning Committee; Lubet Barbon College (Saint Pierre du Mont); Jean Rostand College (Capbreton); EPHAD Hestiadour (Pontonx sur l’Adour) Finished ERASMUS+ YOUTH KA153 - NO HATE SPEECH COMPASS - 2021-2-FR02-KA153-YOU-000040633 The “No Hate Speech COMPASS” project took place in two phases, the first in Dax and the second in Georgia and brought together French, Georgian, Armenian and Spanish youth workers to exchange and train on the theme. Human Rights and the fight against hate speech. Period: from June 2022 to October 2022 Partners : MDE 40 WIPSEE (France), Armenian Progressive Youth - APY (Armenia), Youth Association DRONI (Georgia) and the Diputación provincial de Alicante (Spain). Finished EUROPE FOR CITIZENS - Democratic engagement and civic participation: Solidart The SOLIDART project was a remarkable initiative which aimed to open the minds of European citizens and encourage their active participation in the promotion of solidarity at all levels in a context of multiple crises (health, environmental, migration, economic, etc.) . Period : from April 2021 to March 2023 Partners: MDE40 WIPSEE (France), Ayuntamiento de Dolores (Spain), Bulgarian Youth Association (Bulgaria), FAJUB (Portugal), Fundacja Autokreacja (Poland), Preili Municipality (Latvia), Municipality of Grosuplje (Slovenia) and Dimos Lariseon ( Greece). Équipe | Wipsee The team Our structure works thanks to true collective synergy. Several groups work together: - A team of professionals - A Board of Directors - Strategic advice - A volunteer campus - A Youth Committee comprising around thirty young people Les fondatrices Skills : #European projects #solidarity #international #innovation ​ Passions : Cats, the garden, volleyball and DAX parties ​ Symbols : Frida, Simone Veil. Séverine Directrice Séverine loves to create, transform and improve! Committed to civic life and solidarity in the Landes and abroad since always, WIPSEE was born from its values. A nature lover, Séverine has made ecology a priority for Wipsee. Séverine has more than 20 years of expertise in European Mobility projects and in the construction and coordination of international partnerships. Skills: #European and international projects #various public support and training #linguistics #volunteering ​ Passions: Freedom, seas and oceans, sociology and psychology. ​ Symbols: Nina Simone, Simone Veil, Nelson Mandela, Charles Baudelaire. Mathilde Coordinator Mathilde likes to transmit, share, exchange! It finds its fundamental values in WIPSEE, solidarity, exchange and ecology. She has been working for around fifteen years in the world of training and professional integration in France and abroad. Administration Skills: #financial management #organization #writing #journalism ​ Passions: learning, traveling, history, reading, music ​ Symbols: Buddha, Paolo Coelho, Lao Tzu, Vivaldi, Victor Hugo Taoufik Financial officer Skills: #kindness #HR #support #retraining ​ Passions: animals but especially horses, work in HR, traveling, entrepreneurship ​ Symbols: father (Alain Dumartin), Miguel Ruiz Ludivine HR The coordination Skills: #educpop #benevolence #animation ​ Passions: cuddling trees, the ocean and food ​ Symbols: Maria Montessori, Pierre Rabhi Vanessa Educational coordinator Skills: #management #genderandmigration #animation #network #educpop #internationalrelations ​ Passions: traveling, donuts, coffee, cats ​ Symbols: Françoise Vergès, Christiane Taubira, Paolo Coelho, the women of my family, Leonardo Da Vinci, Montaigne Naomi Coordinatrice de projets Skills: #ProjectManagement #Partnership #EuropeanFinance ​ Passion: tennis, family and friends, Madeleine celebrations ​ Symbols: Billie Jean King and Serena Williams Perrine Gestionnaire de projets Skills: #territorialanimationengineering #actingpowerdevelopment #educpop ​ Passions: The ocean, dance and travel ​ Symbols: Paolo Freire, Yann le Bossé and Rosa Parks Heloise Project Manager Skills: #InternationalRelations #FinancialManagement # Passion: BBQ, volleyball, American football, Symbols: Alfonso García Robles, Gordon Ramsay, my parents Andres Project Manager The work-study students Skills: #motivated #animation #sustainable development ​ Passions: Sport, Animals, Béarn, Mountain, Music ​ Symbols: Pic d’Ossau, Halaska, Mandela Valentine Animator Skills: #communication #motivated #socialnetworking ​ Passion: Motorcycles, Music, Coffee, Reading ​ Symbols: Jack Miller, Jane Austen Charlene Communications Officer Damien Audio visual presenter Compétences : # audiovisuel, #animation, #montage vidéo Passions : rugby, vin rouge bière, mexican food, BBQ, pizza, océan, randonnée Symboles : Antoine Dupont, Louis Zamperini, Martin Lawrence ​ Compétences : #animation #économie #sociale ​ Passion : Lire, danse, le sport, voyager ​ Symboles : Ines Leia, Ginette Kolinka, Colleen Hoover ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Apolline Animator Skills: #InternationalRelations #EuropeanInstitutions #EuropeanFinance ​ Passion: social sciences, knitting and local history ​ Symbols: Simone Weil, Jean Monnet and Stonewall Renaud Project Manager Civic services Compétences : #Leslangues #communication #civilistaion étrangère #écoute ​ Passions : Volleyball , rencontrer des personnes, voyager ​ Symboles : Mon grand-père, Cyrus North Jaya civic service Skills: #Creative #organized #pedagogical ​ Passions: Drawing, sport, food ​ Symbols: Jane Austen, Simone Veil, Agatha Christie Manon civic service Skills: #projectmanagement #creativity #teamwork ​ Passion: Culinary culture , running ​ Symbols: Alizée civic service Skills: # Relational (Support) #Organization #Creativity ​ Passion: Reading​, Writing, Playing board games ​ Symbols: Audrey Hepburn, Simone Veil, Marcel Pagnol Louise civic service Is she Civic service SKILLS : #⁠Editorial capacity #Autonomous #Interpersonal skills Passions: Tourism, board games, reading Symbols: ⁠Zoulfa Katouh (author), Dwight Schrute (the office) Skills: #dynamic #listening skills #invested ​ Passion: Music, walking, basketball ​ Symbols: my grandmother Amelie civic service European volunteers Compétences : #traduction #interprétationdelangues #organisation Passion : voyager, écrire, musique, relations internationales Symboles : Harry Styles, Elísabet Benavent, Alice Kellen Patricia Voluntary Oke Voluntary Itsaso Voluntary Skills: #Sociology #Mobility #Volunteering #EuropeanProject ​ Passion: Traveling, nature, music, cinema ​ Symbols: GretaGerwig, AmaiaRomero, AlexiaPutellas, RigobertaBandini Board of Directors Mickaël Coudray, president Zoé Bourlon, assistant secretary Maylis Cabiro, reference Youth Committee Emma Dutournier, treasurer Christiane Crabos, administrator Sophie Michelina, administrator Florent Ferradou, administrator Taoufik Lahkim, secretary strategic advice A strategic committee made up of 10 members: 3 administrators (Mickaël Coudray, Taoufik Lahkimet Sophie Michelina), 2 employees (the two founders of the association, Séverine Gallais and Mathilde Dudez) and 5 external people: ​ Michel Bonnieu: Former prosecutor, senior UN official, cultural advisor to the French Embassy in Thailand. Ludivine Dumartin: HR and professional development consultant. René Matteucci: Former principal, founder of the Saint-Jacques de Compostelle school group, guide for people looking for professional guidance. Sophie Izoulet: Director of the Landes Transport Authority. Rayane Benchick: General Director of ABC COM, former president of Youffestival, former parliamentary attaché. Notre impact social | Wipsee Our social impact The approach to the social impact of the MDE40 WIPSEE is carried out both internally and externally. ​ A ce jour, nous avons terminé un Diagnostic Local Accompagnement (DLA) pour prendre à bras le corps la question de l'impact social de manière à tenir nos engagements et confirmer nos valeurs et notre identité. Nous sommes engagés auprès de nos équipes et bénévoles dans : le bien-être au travail, l’égalité F/H et la mixité, l’inclusion et la diversité, la montée en compétences. Pour cela nous mettons en place des temps d’échanges, des formations et des entretiens réguliers et un COPIL élargi à nos partenaires qui se réunit 2 fois/an. Un plan d’action social annuel est mis en place pour garantir nos démarches d’amélioration. INTERNAL COMPONENT: EXTERNAL SHUTTER: ​ In 2024, we will begin another DLA to implement our action to evaluate the social impact of our activities for our audiences and in our territory of intervention. But we are already participating in working groups on community life with the Associative Movement and the RADSI in order to understand the developments currently taking place in: ​ the governance, professionalization, competitions, the sustainability of civil actors and the social sustainability of the actions carried out. Previous 1 2 3 Next

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