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  • Une collectivité | Wipsee

    Are you an individual MDE40 Wipsee has been working with communities since its creation = to meet certain needs of the population These collaborations are varied and reciprocal Set up international exchanges > Youth exchanges with Erasmus+ Youth and Sport Franco-German Exchanges (OFAJ) International Solidarity (ISI) Citizen Project, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Mobility of education, training, integration professionals, elected officials , decision-makers Set up international exchanges > Ask yourself the right questions: Why? How ? With whom ? What are the issues? Take the time to set the framework and measure your human/material resources Develop an inventory and a European and/or international development plan over a minimum of 3 years. We can help you structure your ideas and apply for AAPs Search for national and European funds > Aid from the Region Departmental Aid European Aid Erasmus+ schemes, foundations, experimental funds Wipsee supports you in finding the best funds based on your projects and helps you respond to calls for projects. Managing projects involves expenses. These can often be supported by financial mechanisms: Support your beneficiaries throughout their mobility project (preparation for departure, evaluation, etc.) > Internship and exchange projects are successful if the beneficiaries are properly prepared for this experience and have prepared for their return. For this, Wipsee offers preparation support for departure and return: Cultural and intercultural preparation Administrative and budgetary management Preparation for immersion in a company, as a volunteer: interpersonal skills and know-how Definition of initial objectives and expectations Valorization preparation Balance sheet help Enhancement and validation of acquired skills Outlook Set up international exchanges > A conference on European social issues The feast A day of project promotion A Europass and Youthpass award ceremony Erasmusdays Workshops on a theme with 1 European/International component Europe month Develop your mobility, volunteering and sending actions > You are already involved in mobility and exchange projects... but you want to improve your quality approach, the number of your actions... Wipsee helps you Faire une évaluation de votre contexte à l’instant T Établir un nouveau plan d’action Understand and develop projects on different European and global issues > The societal, human, economic, ecological issues… are multiple and global. Wipsee can: Carry out research and studies related to these issues Establish summaries of current events or recommendations based on expertise carried out…

  • Un professionnel | Wipsee

    Are you an individual You are : Manager, HR, Head of Service, Employee, President of entrepreneurs club, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Responsible for a social center, a Third Place, a cultural center...WIPSEE can support you in your projects in Europe and around the world Wipsee est à votre service pour : vous aider à lancer des dynamiques d'ouverture à l'Europe vous soutenir, conseiller, guider dans des démarches d'écriture de projets Erasmus+, Ofaj, Jean Monnet.. vous mettre en relation avec des pairs européens pour des projets de coopération vous aider à trouver de lieu de stage pour vous ou vos apprenants The little extra Wipsee: Thanks to its “Youth” actions, it can: Relieve your employees who have children/adolescents/young adults: orientation, self-esteem, help with learning modern languages, search for internships abroad, development of digital or solidarity skills. Wipsee répond à vos projets : Recruit interns abroad, become an ERASMUS+ host company Develop a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation through exchanges of experiences and practices Better understand European issues, respond to HR issues Organize the reception of delegations and international groups Train your staff on new LV practices, on site or with a foreign partner Create new international partnerships and develop your network Develop your business management skills Séverine Gallais 07 86 81 25 48 Management - HR Community life Strategy Vanessa Varela 06 22 32 10 34 Animation Events City of Languages Youth information

  • Wips médias | Wipsee

    Wips médias OUR PODCASTS Discussions on gender-based and domestic violence in New Aquitaine and Europe [Solidarity trip around the world] The Ferradou family tells us about their First 7 months of travel [Youth exchange in Boticas] Trust yourself to trust others

  • Nos ressources | Wipsee

    Our resources La MDE40 WIPSEE réalise des bilans d'activités, des diagnostics, des enquêtes, une multitude de livrables. Nous vous les proposons pour lecture, pour des questionnement futurs et d'éventuelles collaborations thématiques. Event Deliverables May 22 for Europe month As part of the Joli Mois de l'Europe, the Maison de l'Europe des Landes organized workshops and times of reflection around the European Union. A few days before the European elections on June 9, find our thoughts on democracy, federalism, the values and principles of the European Union. Based on our deliverable from the conference day of May 22, relive the highlights, discover the workshops and explore the exclusive resources shared by our expert speakers. Whether you attended the event or missed it, this deliverable is a goldmine of knowledge. Discover The 2024 SDG Forum Like every year, the Maison de l'Europe des Landes WIPSEE organizes the SDG forum, with several activities and highlights on the different SDGs on the program. During the month of June, we will highlight the 17 SDGs with explanatory videos on their issues and their implementation. Public and private events to better understand the SDGs in order to integrate them into our daily lives. Discover Presentation of our volunteers Survey results The diagnostic assessment

  • Maison de l'Europe des Landes | Wipsee | Devenir Membre

    Are you an individual Join us to implement the missions of WIPSEE , whatever your age, your nationality and your passions. Openness to Europe and the International is an intercultural approach that comes to life through diversity and differences . The more we are, the more we create ... More ideas, more perspectives ... More commitment and mobilization ... 14 REASONS TO JOIN THE MDE40 WIPSEE Participate in human, civic actions with meaning, create social bonds Participer à des actions éducatives auprès des jeunes et avec les Jeunes Participer à des animations, manifestations sur la construction européenne, sur la citoyenneté mondiale, le développement durable... Be a force of proposal to implement activities in project mode and invent the future Meet people from local to international and encourage interculturality Fight against discrimination and exclusion Understanding the Social and Solidarity Economy and Popular Education Participate in European mobility, workshops, conferences Share your skills, transmit your passions and know-how and develop new capabilities Join a happy, dynamic collective, find your place (Guide + missions) and support the team in some of its missions Newsletter Membership Personal informations Professional information Rules of procedure | Association status I hereby declare that I wish to become a member of the WIPSEE association. As such, I declare to recognize the purpose of the association, and to have accepted the rules of procedure. I have taken careful note of the rights and duties of the members of the association, and agree to pay my membership dues for the current year. The amount of the contribution is 10 €, payable by check, cash or transfer. Validate

  • Wipsee | Contact

    Are you an individual We will listen to your needs and desires in order to offer you a suitable course and possible financing. Mobilité Européenne Volontariat Mathilde Dudez 06 02 16 24 94 European Mobility Volunteering Direction - RH Vie associative Stratégie Séverine Gallais 07 86 81 25 48 Animation & Événementiel Cité des langues Info jeunes Vanessa Varela 06 22 32 10 34 Leave us a message To send Thank you for what you sent ! Permanences Every Wednesday afternoon from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., the Wipsee team welcomes you to La COWO to inform you and answer your questions. Appointment Make a physical or webcam meeting with a member of the Wipsee team. to discuss your project, your needs or desires. Sign up 1/1

  • Notre impact social | Wipsee

    Our social impact The approach to the social impact of the MDE40 WIPSEE is carried out both internally and externally. A ce jour, nous avons terminé un Diagnostic Local Accompagnement (DLA) pour prendre à bras le corps la question de l'impact social de manière à tenir nos engagements et confirmer nos valeurs et notre identité. Nous sommes engagés auprès de nos équipes et bénévoles dans : le bien-être au travail, l’égalité F/H et la mixité, l’inclusion et la diversité, la montée en compétences. Pour cela nous mettons en place des temps d’échanges, des formations et des entretiens réguliers et un COPIL élargi à nos partenaires qui se réunit 2 fois/an. Un plan d’action social annuel est mis en place pour garantir nos démarches d’amélioration. INTERNAL COMPONENT: EXTERNAL SHUTTER: In 2024, we will begin another DLA to implement our action to evaluate the social impact of our activities for our audiences and in our territory of intervention. But we are already participating in working groups on community life with the Associative Movement and the RADSI in order to understand the developments currently taking place in: the governance, professionalization, competitions, the sustainability of civil actors and the social sustainability of the actions carried out.

  • Nos newsletters | Wipsee

    Are you an individual Newsletter May 2024 Discover Newsletter Septembre 2024 Discover Newsletter May 2024 Discover Newsletter Juin 2024 Discover Newsletter May 2024 Discover Newsletter Avril 2024 Discover March Newsletter 2024 Discover February Newsletter 2024 Discover January Newsletter 2024 Discover Newsletter archives 2023 Discover Newsletter archives 2022 Discover Newsletter archives 2021 Discover Newsletter archives 2020 Découvrir Newsletter archives 2019 Discover

  • Maison de l'Europe des Landes | Wipsee | Formation

    WIPSEE training Wipsee offers interactive training courses, open to all, upon registration. During our training, participants are actors from A to Z. We provide them with the information and knowledge to meet their needs. À ce jour, les thématiques traitées forment autour du numérique, des débats humains, de l'ESS, des ODD, de l'employabilité et de l'estime de soi, de la vie associative, des programmes Erasmus+ et autres dispositifs européens . Voici nos 3 catégories : Discover our Wipsee Training Catalog 2023-2024 Discover our 2019 Training Catalog Discover our Europe and ECSI Catalog 2023-2024

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